I summarize the current of major researches on the origin of slit stone earring in Japan.
Before the WW2, Torii Ryuzou thought slit stone earrings had come from the continent, though
Higuchi Kiyoyuki thought they were unique to Japan islands, After the WW2, Yamauchi Sugao
pointed out QingLianGang culture in the Chinese Neolithic era as the origin of silt stone
earring and Fujita Fujio and An ZhiMin sought the originals in JiangNan area, Southeastern
Recently researchers attempt not only to compare the variations of slit stone earring, but
also to argue from the combinations with other stone ornaments. Also, researchers find out
there are significant slit stone earring (ornaments) in Northeastern district of China and
Primorskii state, Russia, which compare to those of JiangNan area, and come to pay attention
to the Northern area as the origin.
The Origin and Developement of Jade Culture
in the Religion
around japan Sea
(Toyama city,Japan)